Jan 11, 2014

A different Look at Creativity

           When I think about creativity, I think of it in subjective terms because of the variations attributed to the term by a wide range of people. To prove this, I'd love to conduct an interview on the streets of North York Toronto. This way, I would have substantial evidence to justify my claim.
         But yeah I have been contemplating on this topic for over a year now, pulling my hair out, rocking my chair, possibly throwing tantrums because of the insatiable desire to gather a new approach on this topic. I used to think of creativity in the most simplistic form which if you ask me, is the ability to create something new from the scratch. This, I believed only to be creativity and any other thing that might take a similar course to this, is only a disguise of the original. I believed that an idea had to be born fresh, anew before presented boldly to people as a creative idea that exhibits authenticity. Hence when people deviated from this, I would usually point a finger at them and say they lacked creativity, insight and the ability to think.
          Its no wonder why I was not the least surprised when I came across the artwork below. As like many others, all I could see was a fish. I had totally ignored the richness of the materials used for the composition of such a great artwork.


Jan 11, 2014

A different Look at Creativity

           When I think about creativity, I think of it in subjective terms because of the variations attributed to the term by a wide rang...
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